Ever Baldwin, Bradley Biancardi, Frances Cocksedge, Noel de Lesseps, Andie Dinkin, Annie Hemond Hotte, David L. Johnson, Em Joseph, Meaghan Elyse Lueck, Tim Lyons, Alissa McKendrick, Connor McNicholas, Viktor Timofeev, Jean-Pierre Villafañe, Bradley Ward, Lulu White
Mar 11 - May 26, 2023

"24/7 is inseparable from environmental catastrophe in its declaration of permanent expenditure, of endless wastefulness for its sustenance, in its terminal disruption of the cycles and seasons on which ecological integrity depends... The scandal of sleep is the embeddedness in our lives of the rhythmic oscillations of solar light and darkness, activity and rest, of work and recuperation, that have been eradicated or neutralized elsewhere."

-Jonathan Crary
(24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep)

Circadian Gardens considers the contemporary moment of intense disruption in the once-natural patterns of sleeping and waking, of bleeding between night and day, of camouflaging the artificial and the organic. The exhibition presents sixteen artists who observe the material presence, historical circumstance, and sociopolitical impact of the flora around them.

© 2020-2025 eyes never sleep, llc
Artwork © The Artists